Underpinned by decades of engineering experience and a pragmatic mindset, we consult on projects big and small.

Our story

Founded in 1989, we are a small but mighty team of structural engineers dedicated to solving the unsolvable. Having worked on projects across Victoria, Australia, and New Zealand, we've amassed a wealth of expertise that we proudly share to educate, connect, and succeed.

Function comes first at JNA Group. A building is more than just its physical form — it’s a reflection of the communities it serves and the people it holds.

What we do

Meticulously prepared with an acute attention to detail, our documentation sets the standard for clarity and confidence. We don't just provide solutions; we provide peace of mind, ensuring that every aspect of your project is thoughtfully planned and executed.

What sets us apart most is our commitment to forging long-term relationships with our clients. Beyond the completion of a project, we remain dedicated partners, offering ongoing support, assistance, and expertise every step of the way.

With an unwavering commitment to excellence, each of our projects stand as a testament to function and ingenuity. We're more than just problem-solvers; we're partners in possibility.

Here are some of the specialised services we can provide.

Construction phase assistance

Having your Structural Engineer involved during the construction phase of your project will ensure that your project is constructed properly. We provide a service whereby we can carry out structural inspections of various stages of building construction prior to sign off. This is often requested by home owners who want peace of mind that dual inspections by both their appointed Building Inspector and JNA Group will ensure that nothing is missed. Additionally, this service is provided for all commercial and municipal buildings to ensure that the process meets all quality control requirements and specifications.

Liaising with multiple teams

At JNA Group, our workload encompasses not only residential projects, but commercial and pharmaceutical projects, schools and a range of municipal projects. We work on multi-disciplinary teams for all medium and larger projects, and understanding the work of other consultants allows us to not only do our job better, but to provide a more detailed solution that works in harmony with all project disciplines. Liaising with multi-disciplinary teams makes for a more sustainable approach to each project, by minimising waste on projects, and minimising environmental impact. The client wins all round.

Heritage building consultation

JNA Group often works with Architects who specialise in the design and restoration of Heritage buildings. We provide a service which includes the initial inspection, assessment of areas showing distress, and a detailed discussion of the works proposed, including how these works can be carried out to ensure harmony with the heritage features and overlays of the project.

Inspections and reports

JNA Group is often requested to undertake building inspections when defects are observed by owners or tenants. This is an investigatory service whereby the building is inspected and all distress is assessed. Following the initial inspection, we carry out a detailed investigation to determine the cause of the distress. This might require additional tests such as plumbing checks or geotechnical investigations. We leave no stone unturned during this phase, as the underlying causes must be identified before we can advise what steps need to be taken to rectify the distress and repair the building.

Design and documentation

During the design and documentation stage of a project, we will develop a set of structural drawings that can be used to construct a project. This will involve working closely with the Architect to ensure that every aspect of the project is coordinated and that every structural connection detail satisfies both architectural and engineering briefs. This stage typically concludes with the provision of a full set of certified computations and structural drawings, including a certificate of compliance.

Feasibility assessments

A feasibility assessment provides JNA Group with the opportunity to provide sufficient investigation into structural form to develop an estimate of construction costs in order to allow the client to determine if this project is feasibly within their budget.

Concept design

During this stage of a project, we work closely with the Architect to investigate various concepts or solutions that can then be assessed for constructability and/or costing. This stage allows us to provide advice to the Architect which invariably results in a variation to the design to achieve a more economical build. This often highlights a change in direction for a project. Not all projects include a concept design phase.


you solve


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At JNA Group, we perceive every project as a puzzle, not a problem. We’re addicted to the joy of solving the unsolvable.

But don’t just take our word for it — see if you can discover the 9-letter word hidden in in the next slide. Get a taste of how 
it feels to find the perfect solution.
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Calculations verify building solutions and ensure regulatory compliance, but they are just one part of certification. With over forty years of industry experience and ongoing professional development, we anticipate solutions before starting and deliver best practice results every time.
We translate your concepts and ideas into feasible, practical, constructable and sustainable building solutions.
Each and every project must begin with a plan before it can be executed. We formulate detailed plans that go beyond the pragmatics to include strategies on minimising waste, reducing environmental impact, and finding sustainable solutions.
Challenges keep us on our toes! They make the adrenalin rush as we seek to find a solution. We love a challenge for this very reason.
This is for Adventure
This is for Formation
This is for Happiness
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Sectors we service

Healthcare and Pharmaceutical
Schools and Universities
Community Infrastructure
Hospitality and Retail
Local and State Governments
Forensic Engineering

Environmental policy

At JNA Group, we take Health, Safety, and Environment seriously—they're at the heart of everything we do. We're dedicated to creating a safe environment for everyone involved, managing risks, and preserving our surroundings. In our office, sustainability is a top priority. We're striving to go paperless and opt for digital solutions whenever we can.
Our commitment extends to protecting the environment, preventing pollution, and preserving its quality. Ultimately, we're all about engineering for a brighter, better community.

Got a problem? We can solve it!

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